Friday, May 15, 2020

The Impact Of Media On Public Opinion And Chinese Politics

Introduction 1. Background Media in China has a tremendous influence on public opinion and Chinese politics, the significant increase of state owned media outlets beging from 1949 to 1980s and marketable ones since 1979 indicates the state’s purpose to address the following two major issues: 1) to reduce the government’s financial burden. 2) to help modernize China’s economy. (in-class teaching material) Since those media began to be allowed to support themselves in various ways, several hundred broadcasters, more than 2,200 newspapers, and 7000 magazines, and countless web-media compete fiercely for attention and over a lucrative advertising market. The development of new technology and the prevalent use of internet have also triggered a massive explosion on internet users, according to the national survey, there are approximately 668 milion online users by 2015, 88.9% of them use their mobile devices to get access to the internet and the number is still steadily increasing . Due to the controversial nature of the country’s politics, the state is constantly reassessing the media policies and the control simultaneously. China is notoriously known and depicted by outside media in resolutely implementing its censorship and carrying out the related punishment regulations such as warning or shutdown on media agencies, imprisonment of news reporters or writers and criminal charge against internet users. Such severe penalties serve as the deterrents to maintain the country’sShow MoreRelatedThe Power of Media891 Words   |  4 PagesMedia has the power to strengthen the changes in our social, cultural, and political values. The improvement of media has increased the spread of ideas and has made communication more convenient. Television, Facebook, and Twitter are all considered mass medias because they provide people with entertainment, and it is where the flow of ideas is disseminated. 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